
More Testing

April 12, 2010

I have fixed the test for hg branches. Since the HgClone clones automatically all branches, I cloned then tried switching to the last branch/revision using Hg checkout and checked for the existence of the files that are only on that branch. If the branch wasn’t cloned it will give the following output:

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg branches
extrabranch 7:1d4537588c4c
default 2:949a4d660f2e (inactive)

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg checkout fatima
abort: unknown revision ‘fatima’!

I have create a new branch f_master and added the test to it :

Next, I am trying to figure out how to test the RSS feed to all branches http://github.com/ctb/pony-build/blob/master/pony_build/rss.py

The RSS feed that pony-build have are pushed to the “Pubsubhubbub” server. The hub from the PubsubHubbub fetches the published feed and multicasts the new/modified content out to all registered subscribers.



March 29, 2010

This week, I have learned how to run tests on Pony-build using the nosetests script. I had to download the nose package and make sure that the nosetests is added to the path in the environment variables. Running tests then become as easy as typing “nosetests” once in the right directory or “nosetests + name of the test file” to run that specific test.
My objective this week, was to write a test for branches other than default.

When cloning a repository in mercurial, the working directory is updated to the tip, which is the most recent changeset /commit in the repo. So it actually doesn’t matter in which branch we currently are , since the clone will happen in the branch, committed to last.

Hg identify prints a summary of the current state of the repository
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg identify
1d4537588c4c (extrabranch) tip
Switched to the default branch
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg update default
resolving manifests
removing test3.txt
removing test4.py
getting test1
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolv

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg identify

Hg tip to show the most recent changeset in the repository. We are still in the Default branch:

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg tip
changeset: 7:1d4537588c4c
branch: extrabranch
tag: tip
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Mon Mar 15 18:52:04 2010 -0500
files: test1

“Hg Clone” clones all branches automatically and points to the default branch.
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>cd pony-build-hg-test

test1 test2

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test\pony-build-hg-test>hg branch

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test\pony-build-hg-test>hg branches
extrabranch 7:1d4537588c4c
default 2:949a4d660f2e (inactive)

So if we are in branch other than default we can:
—>clone then update to that branch: hg clone and hg update branchname
—> clone directly to the branch and/or revision : hg clone -r branchname

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg clone http://bitbucket.org/cherkf/pony-bu
ld-hg-test/ -r extrabranch
destination directory: pony-build-hg-test
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 8 changesets with 7 changes to 4 files
updating to branch extrabranch
4 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>cd pony-build-hg-test

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test\pony-build-hg-test>hg branch

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test\pony-build-hg-test>hg branches
extrabranch 7:1d4537588c4c
default 2:949a4d660f2e (inactive)


More on Named Branches

March 20, 2010

In my named branch extrabranch, I cloned the coverage package.

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg branch extrabranch
mercurial-repo test1 test2 test3.txt test4.py
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg clone http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/
destination directory: coveragepy
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 762 changesets with 1904 changes to 241 files
updating to branch default
203 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

Checked if the package is there :
coveragepy mercurial-repo test1 test2 test3.txt test4.py
And if we are still in the same branch
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg branch

Now switched to the default branch
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg update default
resolving manifests
removing test3.txt
removing test4.py
getting test1
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg branch

The package is there.
coveragepy mercurial-repo test1 test2

Hg status doesn’t show any file added, so cannot commit or push.
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg status
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg commit
nothing changed

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg push
real URL is https://bitbucket.org/cherkf/pony-build-hg-test/
pushing to https://cherkf@bitbucket.org/cherkf/pony-build-hg-test
searching for changes
no changes found

To fetch the two branches in hg, we need to hg Merge then hg commit.
In the default branch,I used the -P extension to show a preview of the merge before performing it

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg merge -P extrabranch
changeset: 3:e2a62a3939f7
branch: extrabranch
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Sat Mar 13 15:48:16 2010 -0600
start a new branch

changeset: 4:d50e059fcd4f
branch: extrabranch
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Sat Mar 13 16:13:14 2010 -0600
files: test3.txt

changeset: 5:b7399aa89111
branch: extrabranch
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Sun Mar 14 20:04:40 2010 -0500
files: test4.py

changeset: 6:356d42d7cd3d
branch: extrabranch
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Mon Mar 15 18:20:30 2010 -0500
files: test3.txt

changeset: 7:1d4537588c4c
branch: extrabranch
tag: tip
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Mon Mar 15 18:52:04 2010 -0500
files: test1

If we want to clone from a specific branch : Hg clone url -r branchName

C:\Python26>hg clone https://cherkf@bitbucket.org/cherkf/pony-build-hg-test/ -r
destination directory: pony-build-hg-test
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 3 changesets with 3 changes to 2 files
updating to branch default
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
C:\Python26>cd pony-build-hg-test
test1 test2


Branching in Mercurial

March 16, 2010

This week I have started exploring branching in Mercurial.
Branching occurs when a changeset is commited within a single repository or two repositories that were cloned from the same repo.
Branching in Mercurial is usually anonymous , but a named branch can be created only within a single repository.
I have created a named branch called extrabranch: hg branch extrabranch
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg branches
extrabranch 5:b7399aa89111
default 2:949a4d660f2e (inactive)

Now the tip is on the extrabranch and we can check that by typing hg parents:
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg parents
changeset: 5:b7399aa89111
branch: extrabranch
tag: tip
user: Fatima Cherkaoui
date: Sun Mar 14 20:04:40 2010 -0500
files: test4.py


Now if we add or modify any file it will be under the extrabranch.
We can switch between branches using hg update.
C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg update default
resolving manifests
removing test3.txt
removing test4.py
0 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved

coveragepy mercurial-repo new 2.py test1 test2

C:\Users\Fatima\pony-build-hg-test>hg update extrabranch
resolving manifests
getting test3.txt
getting test4.py
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

coveragepy mercurial-repo new 2.py test1 test2 test3.txt test4.py

When cloning the coverage repo it goes directly to the default branch not the extrabranch as the repo has different parents.

The next step is to check how to do merges of branches with different parents like it is done in Git (what’s called “Octopus merges”.

Note: I’m glad we are using Github for our project. Bitbucket link seems to be broken most of the time.


Moving on

March 9, 2010

Last week I have mentioned the failing tests for the Mock Package.
I have checked and made the same updates made to the mock.py here but my test still failed .

I then contacted Micheal Foord who explained that the behavior was correct but the test wasn’t fixed yet and that he will include it in the next release.


Also, I have created a bitbucket account and forked Titus’s pony-build-hg-test repo to start experimenting.


Midway Updates

February 28, 2010

Few months ago,when I first joined Pony-build, I was excited and eager to learn more about this project in particular and open-source in general. I knew my limited experience might make my progress slower than expected but I was determined to learn more no matter what.
I couldn’t join the UCOSP community for the “Code Sprint” in Canada; however, I started to communicate with the project lead Titus C. Brown and the rest of the group via Skype to make the initial system set ups. I encountered many problems throughout the process, but Titus was always patient and very helpful.
Getting familiar with Git and the already written code took me more than a while. My first build fully worked after few weeks , but when I have started my second one, it took me few hours to get it build and compile which shows the big progress I’m making.
I have also learned how to ask for help from the rest of the group, who have been ready to lend a hand when needed.
Today, my enthusiasm remains the same and I’m ready to learn more.


This week

February 28, 2010

    Build-Mock Step-by-Step

This week I have written a build script for the Mock package. This time it was much easier task as I was more familiar with the concept and the code.

The mock package uses subversion so I first found the repo_url : http://mock.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ then checked the SvnCheckout in the pony_client . I’ve noticed that dirname is not guessed like in HgClone or GitClone but should be given from the beginning as it is part of the _init parameters.
My build then worked but the tests didn’t run.

The Error I got was :

command line:[‘python’, ‘setup.py’, ‘test’]
no stdout
usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] …] or: setup.py –help [cmd1 cmd2 …] or: setup.py –help-commands or: setup.py cmd –help error: invalid command ‘test’

To fix it , I checked if the test file exists in the package. My assumption was right there was instead a “tests” one. I then replaced test with tests but it still failed giving me the same error .
I discovered then that the mock package uses “discover.py” to run its tests.

This time the tests ran but failed one of them :

……F………………………………………………….. ====================================================================== FAIL: testMagicMethodWrapping (tests.testmagicmethods.TestMockingMagicMethods) ———————————————————————- Traceback (most recent call last): File “c:\users\fatima\appdata\local\temp\tmpwotcmh\mock\tests\testmagicmethods.py”, line 47, in testMagicMethodWrapping self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(mock.__getitem__), inspect.getargspec(f)) AssertionError: ArgSpec(args=[‘name’], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) != ArgSpec(args=[‘self’, ‘name’], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) ———————————————————————- Ran 66 tests in 0.077s FAILED (failures=1)


    Learning how to deal with branches

I noticed that when I type “git branch” both mkdir and master are listed but when moving in my directory the main branch changes each time. So I have decided to make it mkdir all over: “git branch -m master mkdir”

I have also changed my default branch to mkdir in github. ( under admin).

When trying to push my build-mock (using the usual add , commit and push) I got a non-fast-forward error.
I then pulled again from ctb repo to the mkdir branch.
I got merging error . The git Status showed me that two files (dbsqlite.py & style.css) that I’ve never recall opening were modified. The git diff showed that both filed were almost re-written.
I used ” git checkout & git ls-files -m ” to discard the changes made in my working directory that are not added to the index yet (unstaged changes)

Now when I push “git push git@github.com:cherkf/pony-build.git mkdir” the push works, but I still get a non fast-forward error for the master branch .
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)

I will look more through those small issues the coming days.



February 22, 2010

This week I was still working on getting my build-coverage to work . I had to first fix the hg checkout. With max’s help, I was able to overcome the assertion error I was getting. My build then worked on Lyorn perfectly.

On windows it was giving me a windows error: WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified . To fix it , I have tried the build command directly on my machine:
BuildCommand([python_exe, ‘setup.py’, ‘build_ext’, ‘-i’],name=’compile’),

The python_exe was refering to :python 2.6 and that’s why the setup.py couldn’t run. Once changed to python , it was able to run using python.exe . But a different error message showed up:
<error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I had Visual Studio but had to download the Visual Studio  2008 because other versions of VS aren't supported by Python 2.6 .
My build then FINALLY worked on windows as well. As Rose would say : "Hooray!"


Thanks to both Titus and Rose for their continuous help!
On the other hand, I still have to figure out  why a clean build is not done.  The build doesn’t work the second time when forcing it to rebuild. The cache_dir doesn’t get deleted and therefore the build just fail.

I have tried to deleted manually first then rebuild and it worked .I will try to work on this problem more the coming days.


Indentation …

February 16, 2010

Indentation might not be a serious problem, but I’m mentioning it in my blog because as a beginner in Python it can get very frustrating .

Indentation errors are usually due to the use of mix tabs and spaces. To fix my indentation problem I have found:

  • the magical tabnanny “python -m tabnanny pony_client.py” http://docs.python.org/library/tabnanny.html
  • As simple as switching to an IDE:  Eclipse . It has the option to convert from tabs to space-tabs and vice versa.

To be continued…..


Two steps forward … one step backward

February 15, 2010

The Lyorn issues I was having last week are fixed. I had to reconfigure the ssh and set up a new SSH Key for Lyorn . To generate a new SSH key I simply use the command ssh-keygen -t rsa. I found later, a Putty key generator on my computer that comes with WinSCP I believe. ( an open source 🙂 SFTP client and FTP client for Windows.)
Also, I had to use the *** read-only URL**** for the repo.

This week, i was working on HgClone in pony-client. We changed few obvious mistakes during our weekly meeting “clone” instead of checkout and the “cache_dir”. I was getting an assertion error then , the assert simply shows that the code is working as expected and therefore helps catch any bug.

In other words

  • If the condition is False, the program is in error; this statement raises an AssertionError exception.
  • If the condition is True, the program is correct, this statement does nothing more

I discovered also that we can run the python code and ignore the assertion errors  using the -o.

When trying to fix the error, I got first an unbound local error: local variable referenced before assignment, which I believe is given when no value is assigned to the variable.When I have tried to make the variable global , I have started getting indentation errors ,that can get very frustrating :-s , but I’m working on fixing it.

Some other ideas along the way:

  • Checking the heads ‘hg heads’  the merging them ‘hg merge’ before doing any pull . Also the pull should be with the “update”. hg pull -u
  • Ways to use :

‘hg parents’to check if we have one or more parents then checkout depending on the result.
‘hg -v log filename’ show revision history for a single file